Website Launched!

Announcing the launch of our website!

12/18/20231 min read

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the Hollow Hills Games website! Our digital home is now open, inviting you to step into a world where imagination and strategy converge. This has been a journey of passion and creativity, and we are excited to share it with our fellow gaming enthusiasts. The website not only showcases our company’s vision and ethos but also serves as a portal to the enchanting realms we've been meticulously crafting. As you navigate through the site, you'll find sneak peeks of our upcoming games each brimming with adventure and mystery.

In more exciting news, a few of our games are nearing completion, and we're gearing up for a Kickstarter event that promises to be as thrilling as our games themselves! This event will be a cornerstone in bringing our dream projects to life and sharing them with the gaming community. We invite you to join us on this adventure, to become part of a story that’s just beginning. Stay tuned for more details on the Kickstarter, and in the meantime, we encourage you to explore the new website, meet Whill, our delightful mascot, and sign up for updates. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us at Hollow Hills Games, and we can't wait to embark on this journey with you!
